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Address: 103 Reade St, New York NY 10013
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About Us

Superlative infrastructure, state of the art technology

At Octagon, we put in the best to create the best. The company has invested in the latest, future oriented infrastructure such as storage silos, solvent extraction plants, edible oil refinery, and besan and pulses processing plant from leading global players.

Automation and state-of-the-art process technologies are harnessed to manufacture products of impeccable quality and high nutrition value. A dedicated team of technical and QA specialists ensure full operational efficiency.

Octagon also has a fully functional Quality Lab to ensure best practices for quality, hygiene and safety at every stage of operations.

Solvent Extraction

Edible Oil Refinery

Pulses Processing Unit

Quality Lab

Administration Office

- Production Process -

How we bring the purest food to your table

It all starts with sourcing high quality raw materials which are then cleaned and stored in large grain silos where the special aeration system helps to maintain grain quality with controlled temperature and moisture levels.

Automated processing plants process the raw material to produce best-in-class products which are then fumigated to improve shelf life and packed hygienically in standard-approved packaging material. The end products are stored in a safe, clean place before being transported to dealers and retailers.

Best practices are followed at every stage, and plants are fully automated to ensure no contamination from human hands.